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Present Simple Tense

Exercise 1: Make 10 sentences using elements given in the columns of the following table:

Subject Verb Object Adverb of place Adverb of time


Your friends



The north Star

The children

One of my friends















 in Lahore

 in the ground

 in the sky




 once a week

 every morning

 at night

 every Sunday

1. He plays cricket in the ground.

2. Your friends wash cars in Lahore.  

3. She washes clothes every Sunday.

4. The north star shines in the sky everday.

5. The children sleep here at night.

6.One of my friends watches movies every Sunday.

7. Asad washes clothes in Lahore.

8. Your friends write stories.

9. We need clothes everyday.

10. One of my friends writes stories every morning.


Complete the following sentences using the verbs given in parentheses in the Present Indefinite Tense only.

  1. She has got employment in a factory which manufactures garments. 
  2. The police have arrested an agent who supplies drugs to college students.
  3. The Muslims offer prayers five times a day.
  4. If it gets dark, the referee will stop the match. 
  5. When one spurs a horse, it gallops
  6. When a baby needs milk, it cries.
  7. Every worshipper genuflects in front of the statue. 
  8. One of the soldiers locks the main gate at 9 o’clock daily. 
  9. We do not know where he goes every night. 
  10. I know who knocks at the door and runs away. 


Convert each of the following sentences into a NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE sentence. 

Example: Fahad goes to the school at 7 o’clock.
Negative: Fahad does not go to the school at 7 o’clock.
Interrogative: Does Fahad go to the school at 7 o’clock?

1. Jane bakes birthday cakes at this bakery.

   Jane does not bake birthday cakes at this bakery.
   Does Jane bake birthday cakes at this bakery?

2. We arrange two seminars every month.

   We do not arrange two seminars every month.
   Do we arrange two seminars every month?

3. The police arrest innocent people.

    The police often do not arrest innocent people.
    Do the police often arrest innocent people?  

4. These aircraft fly at an altitude of forty-thousand feet.

    These aircraft do not fly at an altitude of forty-thousand feet.
    Do these aircraft fly at an altitude of forty-thousand feet?

5. This mountain climbs six thousand metres high.

    This mountain does not climb six thousand metres high.
    Does this mountain climb six thousand metres high?

6. Ivy climbs a brick wall.

    Ivy does not climb a brick wall.
    Does Ivy climb a brick wall?

7. Some students play video games in the class.

    Some students do not play video games in the class.
    Do some students play video games in the class?

8. This solution infiltrates every crack in the floor.

    This solution does not infiltrate every crack in the floor. 
    Does this solution infiltrate every crack in the floor?

9. A bouquet of roses smells sweet.

    A bouquet of roses does not smell sweet.
    Does a bouquet of roses smell sweet.

10. Everyman errs.

    Everyman does not err.
    Does everyman err?




Declarative: Some people believe in ghosts.

Question Type-I: Do some people not believe in ghosts?

Question Type-II: Don’t some people believe in ghosts?

1. Parents love their children

Do parents not love their children?
Don't parents love their children
Do not parenst love their children? 

2. She trusts you.

Does she not trust you?
Doesn't she trust you?
Does not she trust you?  

3. You know my name.

Do you not know my name?
Don't you know my name?
Do not you know my name? 

4. Water dissolves most of the substances.

Does water not dissolve most of the substances?
Doesn't water dissolve most of the substances?
Does not water dissolve most of the substances? 

5. She smiles sweetly. 

Does she not smile sweetly?
Doesn't she smile sweetly?
Does not she not smile sweetly?

6. Our soldiers get up early in the morning. 

Do our soldiers not get up early in the morning?
Don't our soldiers get up early in the morning?
Do not our soldiers get up early in the morning?  

7. The jokey deceives everybody.

Does the jokey not deceive everybody?
Doesn't the jokey deceive everybody?
Does not the jokey deceive everybody? 

8. He teaches in a university. 

Does he not teach in a university?
Doesn't he teach in a university?
Does not he teach in a university?  

9. We play hide and seek in this garden.

Do we not play hide and seek in this garden?
Don't we play hide and seek in this garden?
Do not we play hide and seek in this garden? 

10. These people follow their leaders blindly.

Do these people follow their leaders blindly?
Don't these people follow their leaders blindly?
Do not these people follow their learders blindly?  


Do as directed.

1. Chris parks his car under a tree. (:: make a question using ‘why’)

    Why does Chris park his car under a tree?

2. Two trains leave for Iran every week. (:: make a question using ‘when’)

    When do two train leave for Iran every week?

3. The archer clutches the bow in his right hand. (:: make a question using ‘how’)

    How does the archer clutch the bow in his right hand?

4. The police apprehend wrong doers. (:: make a negative question using ‘why’)

    Why do the police not apprehend wrong doers?[OR]
    Why don't the police apprehend wrong doers?

5. She answers two questions in one hour. (:: make a question using ‘how’)

    How does she answer two questions in one hour? 

6. The soldiers camouflage their vehicles. (:: make a question using ‘where’)

    Where do the soldiers camouflage their vehicles?  

7. She informs the police. (:: make a negative question using ‘why’)

    Why does she not inform the police? [OR]
    Why doesn't she inform the police?

8.They agree with him. (:: make a question using ‘whom’)

    With whom do they agree? [OR]
    Whom do they agree with?

9. Peter sleeps at 9 o’clock. (:: make a question using ‘where’)

    Where does Peter sleep at 9 o'clock?  

10. One of the drivers stops the car. (:: make a question using ‘when’)

     When does on of the drivers stop the car? 


Translate the following sentences into English on separate sheets of paper:

:مندرجہ ذیل فقرات کا انگریزی میں ترجمہ کیجئے

Exercise A

  1. The police often torture the innocent people.
  2. When oxygen and hydrogen combune, they form water.
  3. Fast flow of water erodes the soil at the bank.
  4. We all get together at our ancestral home on Eid.  
  5. i know that you smoke.
  6. These days every government official accepts bribe. 
  7. The politicians exploit the simple people. 
  8. The desert snake slithers quickly on hot sand.
  9. God loves His people seventy times more than a mother loves her child.
  10. The cunning fox traps the foolish donkey. 

Exercise B 

  1. She does not trust you. 
  2. Nobody likes to hear the truth these days. 
  3. Do the people not respect politicians? [OR]
    Don’t the people respect politicians?
  4. Why do you not drink milk at night? [OR]
    Why don’t you drink milk at night?
  5. Where do the robbers hide their swag?
  6. How many bullets does every soldier fire during training?
  7. In which city does the train not stop? [OR]
    In which city doesn’t the train stop?
  8. Why does India not stop oppression on unarmed Kashmiris? [OR]
    Why doesn’t India stop oppression on unarmed Kashmiris? 
  9. When do the Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr?
  10. In which season does it not snow in Sakardu?
    In which season doesn’t it snow in Sakardu?

Exercise C

  1. I have to get up at 2 o’clock for the morning job.
  2. Now the aged people do not have to go to the bank to collect their pension. [OR]
    Now the aged people don’t have to go to the bank to collect their pension. 
  3. Do you have to stop at every check post?
  4. We have to wait for the judge outside the court.
  5. The watchman does not have to light fire. [OR]
    The watchman doesn’t have to light fire. 
  6. Does a small child also have to wear a mask? 
  7. He does not have to (doesn’t have to) take this medicine every night.
  8. Now I do not have to (don’t have to) go to the hospital.
  9. He has to take bath with cold water because of gas load shedding. 
  10. Do you have to take this tablet every night?

Exercise D

  1. When the ship oscillates, some passengers feel nausea.
  2. If it rains cats and dogs, urban areas are flooded/inundated.  
  3. You can borrow this book provided that you return it by the due date. 
  4. If one gets dengue fever, one’s platelets decrease. 
  5. If there come rains this week, these crops will suffer. 
  6. When there occurs deficiency of zinc and iron in our body, the hair on our head falls off. 
  7. When we sit in the sun for long, our skin gets dark.
  8. Whenever we go to the market, it rains. 
  9. When there occurs load shedding of gas, we have to take bath with cold water. 
  10. When the door of the main hall is closed, we have to sit outside in the sun.




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